14th of February, 2024

Global South Initiative

To create is the essence of life itself.

Creativity is sustainability manifest. A truly creative universe is one that is ever expanding, and self-sustaining. Needless to say, art is a universal language that brings everyone and everything together, a powerful vehicle for dialogue across generations, and different walks of life.

On the sidelines of UN Conference on Climate Change, AsiaTV and AfricaTV Studios, under The Regenerative Framework by ReGenesis Art Hub for Sustainability, with the support of ICESCO Science and Technology Cluster and Civilizational Dialogue Center, Ababou Foundation, are pleased to organize a ,ulti-media art exhibit-dialogue for climate action, the first to be held in the Culture Capital of Africa, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.

Where heritage meets the future, “CreatiVerse” aims to bring together creative industries across genres, from around Morocco, Africa, Asia and the rest of the Global South, in solidarity for the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

If there is a future, it is only together.


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